1. Logical & assignment operators
Three new parameters are added by combining logical and assignment operator as.
- &&= - it assigns when value is truthy.
- ||= - it assigns when value is falsy.
- ??= - it assigns when value is null or undefined.
Let's quickly jump into using them:
let x = 1;
if (x){
x = 10;
> 10
// OR
let x = 1;
x = x && 10;
> 10
// can be written as:
let x = 1
x &&= 10;
> 10
OMG! Super cool. Isn't it? Next..
let x = 0;
if (!x){
x = 10;
> 10
// OR
let x = 1;
x = x ||10;
> 10
let x = 0; // x = 0 means falsy.
x ||= 10;
> 10
let x;
if (!x){
x = 10;
> 10
// OR
let x;
x = x ?? 10;
> 10
// now
let x; // x is undefined here.
x ??=10;
> 10
2. Number Separator
We can now use underscore separator to separate group of digits in lengthy numbers according to our number system.
Let's dive:
const longNumber = 1000000000; // Not in a readable format.
> 1000000000
// By using separator underscore, we can read easily.
const longNumber = 100_00_00_000;
> 1000000000 // Still, result is same.
Hence using this separator readability improved. Also, this is not just limited to regular numbers but we can use for Hex
, Oct
and Binary
formats also.
3. New String method
We know about replace
string method it will replace first occurrence of matched value in a given string. Whereas, to replace everywhere new method has been introduced is `replaceAll'.
Let's see how these two methods work:
const testString = "Hey, Welcome to my JS articles about JS";
testString.replace('JS', 'JavaScript');
> 'Hey, Welcome to my JavaScript articles about JS'
const testString = "Hey, Welcome to my JS articles about JS";
testString.replaceAll('JS', 'JavaScript');
> 'Hey, Welcome to my JavaScript articles about JavaScript'
4. Access Private methods from class
Name itself says everything. Let's start experiments:
class PrivateMethodClass {
publicMethod() {
console.log('I am public');
#privateMethod() {
console.log('I am private');
const privateMethodClass = new PrivateMethodClass();
> I am public
> Uncaught TypeError: privateMethodClass.privateMethod is not a function // not accessible.
now, how can we access it.
class PrivateMethodClass {
publicMethod() {
console.log('I am public');
#privateMethod() {
console.log('I am private');
printAllMethods() {
const privateMethodClass = new PrivateMethodClass();
> I am public
> I am private
5. private getters & setters
More like above but we use get & set here.
Let's see the example:
class PrivateGetNSet {
// Regular use
set userName(name) {
this.userName = name;
get userName() {
return this.userName;
set password(password) {
this.#password = password;
// try to getPassword and returns undefined.
get #getPassword() {
return this.#password;
// newly introduced.
get privateGetPassword() {
return this.#getPassword;
const privateGetNSet = new PrivateGetNSet();
privateGetNSet.userName = 'JS';
> JS;
privateGetNSet.password = 'test';
> undefined
> 'test'
6. Promise.any()
Returns promise as soon as at least one promise is resolved in list of given promises. Whereas, existing Promise.all()
resolves only when all given promises are resolved.
const errorPromise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const resolveSlow = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
setTimeout(resolve, 500, "Resolve Slowly");
const resolveFast = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
setTimeout(resolve, 100, "Resolve fastly");
Promise.any([errorPromise, resolveSlow, resolveFast]).then((value) => {
> Promise {<pending>}[[Prototype]]: Promise[[PromiseState]]: "fulfilled"[[PromiseResult]]: undefined
> Resolve fastly
Promise.all([errorPromise, resolveSlow, resolveFast]).then((value) => {
>Promise {<rejected>: 'fail'}[[Prototype]]: Promise[[PromiseState]]: "rejected"[[PromiseResult]]: "fail"
> Uncaught (in promise) fail
If every promise fails then it will throw AggregateError